Education In A World That Is Constantly Changing
Recently, I watched the movie The Help. The movie is centered around women of color who work as maids for white families. It baffles my...
Pandemic School
There is so much uncertainty going on right now especially regarding schools. I have many colleagues who teach in both private and public...
Coming Together As A Community
Back in the early 1990's there was a business conference which featured Michael Dell as one of the speakers. He spoke about how the...
Who Can Be A Leader?
Parashat Noach begins with an introduction of Noach (Noah) and states that he was a righteous man, blameless in his age and walked with...
Bereishit: Relationships 101
The Hebrew month of Tishrei is very busy for the Jewish community. We reflect on the things that we have done in the past year and focus...
The Education Revolution
My background is in education. I've taught in many Hebrew schools and Jewish day schools over the years. I also come from a family of...
Mommy Hacks To Improve Efficiency
Let's face it as a mom we are always trying to figure out how to maximize our time to make our lives easier and ensure we're doing the...
The Month of Elul-Review and Renew
One of the first things a society creates is a system of justice. In fact, that is one of the Seven Noahide laws that all Non-Jews are...
The Cycle of Democracy
In the Parasha this week, Eikev, Moshe continues to address the Israelites. He reminds them to follow the laws that Hashem has given...
History Repeats Itself: Baseless Hatred
"Man walks into mall with guns and murders 20 people....", "19 year old Israeli soldier stabbed while out running errands...". We see...