Purpose and Priorities
Today is the first day of the Hebrew month of Av. Which means that we are beginning the Nine Days which is the culmination of The Three...
Diastasis Recti: Why Ab Separation Happens and How do We Fix It?
Still trying to get rid of your belly after childbirth? I know I am. It may be due to Diastasis Recti. It occurs as a result of pregnancy...
Blessings or Curses
A few nights ago, we went to a Sheva Brachot in honor of a couple who recently got married. Sheva Brachot are the seven blessings recited...
Happy Independence Day!
Today we celebrate 243 years! So much has happened since that fateful day, July 4, 1776. I am grateful to live in one of the greatest...
Being Safe in the Sun While Still Having Fun
Recently, I was talking with my mom and brother about sunscreen. My parents generation didn't put sunscreen on as kids and I don't...
The Jewish people; often called "Am Yisrael" or the people of Israel, we put an emphasis on establishing a structure of community. There...
Babywearing: Is It For You?
Babywearing or carrying your baby or toddler is common practice in many parts of the world. It was also common in Western countries for...
To Give or Not To Give?
A few weeks ago a woman knocked on our door asking for money. It was a rainy Sunday evening and we were relaxing. Both Ari and I know the...
Through Our Own World View (Understanding Personalities)
A colleague of mine posted a link for a personality assessment. It reminded me of the book The Personality Plus by Florence Littauer. I...
My Birth Story
Several people have asked about my birth story. It's been busy since our little Oz was born, however, I figured now would be a good time...