Ha'azinu: The Most Beautiful Song
What happens when we hear music? Music has the ability to inspire us, uplift us, and bring us joy. Some songs like “What’s Going On?” by...
Vayelech: Where Are We Going?
In Parashat Vayelech, which coincides with Shabbat Shuvah (Shabbat of Return) this year, Moshe is ready to hand the reins over to Joshua....
Nitzavim: Choose to Live
This week, we will read Parashat Nitzavim. Nitzavim is the final Parasha before Rosh Hashanah and is Moshe’s final address to B’nai...
What's Our Story? Lessons in Ki Tavo
I’m borrowing from Rabbi Sacks this week because I believe that it ties in with so many events that are happening right now. I see a...
Ki Teitzei: Pursuit of Unity and the Preservation of Individuality
Parashat Ki Teitzei contains more laws than any other Parasha in the Torah. There are a few commands that make you wonder why would G-d...
Shoftim: Leaders Are Readers
Parashat Shoftim is the source for the three types of leadership in Judaism. Our sages called them the “three crowns”: priesthood,...
Communication is Key
I’m currently reading Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields. One of the challenges with parenting is just that, how do we raise...
Ekev: The Power of Listening
We recently drove down to Washington, D.C. to visit The Natural History Museum. One of the things I find interesting about our society is...
Oneness: The Essence of Our Existence
King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes “There is a time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot….a time to weep...
Recalling the Past
The Book of Devarim (Deuteronomy) features the last moments before B’nai Yisrael enters the land and becomes a nation in its own land. It...