A Republic If You Can Keep It!
America's Founding Fathers were more than just statesmen--they were intellectuals, and they knew the importance of their ideas and how to...

Vayakhel: Building Community
People are attracted to causes. Charities, fighting diseases, and conquering hunger are some of the many causes that people are attracted...

Lifting Our Heads
As John Maxwell says “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” According to as Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks leadership requires knowing...

Building a Home
The final chapters of Shemot focus on the construction of the Mishkan or Tabernacle. Instead of the Jewish people turning to idolatry, as...

Mishpatim: The Laws of Life
Parashat Mishpatim begins with the words "These are the rules (statutes) that you shall set before them. When you acquire a Hebrew slave,...

Yitro: Phases of Spiritual Development
In Ecclesiastes it says, “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). However, when it comes to Torah, there is the ability...

Beshalach: Retracing Accomplishments
Oliver DeMille in his book Thomas Jefferson Education writes that "leaders perpetuate freedom, prepare people to know what freedom is,...

Bo: Achieving Spiritual Liberation
“The Character of the Happy Warrior” is a poem by William Wordsworth. It begins: “Who is the happy Warrior? Who is he That every man in...

Vaeira: The Will to Live
Friedrich Nietzsche said, “He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How.” We have seen this time and time again throughout...

Shemot: Taking The First Step
This is a challenging Parasha to read. However, the Exodus story is a classic example appreciating the good that happens by remembering...